Thursday, 03 September 2015 16:26
British Telecom to upgrade broadband
After months of campaigning by the Barnet Society, British Telecom have finally given an assurance that it will improve the broadband service in High Barnet by upgrading at least half the cabinets that need to be fibre enabled.
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Tuesday, 01 September 2015 15:24
Barnet to match Tewkesbury’s banners?
Decorating the High Street with the banners of medieval noblemen might be one of the ways to celebrate the anniversary of the Battle of Barnet of 1471 if support can be obtained from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
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Barnet History
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Tuesday, 01 September 2015 15:09
Barnet’s hanging baskets
Barnet High Street has been bedecked once again with flowering hanging baskets. But please do not be fooled into thinking Barnet Council deserves the credit for adding this splash of colour to the town centre.
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High Street The Spires
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Friday, 21 August 2015 10:15
Demolition could reveal medieval market
If permission is granted to demolish the empty After Office Hours bar next to the Bull Theatre, the Barnet Society says there must be stringent planning conditions, and time for a proper archaeological investigation.
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High Street The Spires
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Wednesday, 05 August 2015 08:19
Ancient oak tree might be spared
A campaign to save what has been dubbed the “mighty oak” of Whitings Road has made significant progress.
Wednesday, 05 August 2015 07:43
Homes to replace High Street shops
Two High Street premises will be extended to include flats if planning permission can be obtained from Barnet Council – and both applications have already sparked controversy.
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High Street The Spires
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Wednesday, 29 July 2015 08:38
Broadband - will Virgin Media step in?
After endless delays and broken promises by British Telecom, High Barnet residents without high-speed broadband are being encouraged by Theresa Villiers MP to think of signing up for a rival service being that might be offered by Virgin Media.
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Monday, 27 July 2015 11:19
£7 million upgrade for the Spires
A Canadian investment fund is the new owner of the Spires shopping centre in High Barnet, having paid £40 million for what the agents say is prime retail space in “one of London’s largest and fastest-growing boroughs, as well as one of the most affluent”.
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High Street The Spires
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Thursday, 09 July 2015 14:06
Union Street residents annoyed
Two new housing developments are changing still further the appearance of Union Street in High Barnet, which in recent years has lost shops, offices, a school and even its public house.
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Thursday, 09 July 2015 13:55
Green roof for countryside headquarters
A living roof planted with sedum is one of the eco-friendly features of the new Barnet Environment Centre, which is nearing completion at the end of Byng Road.
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Tuesday, 30 June 2015 09:50
The Battle of Barnet Project
A re-enactment of scenes from a medieval battlefield was the highlight of the official launch of the Battle of Barnet Project – a two-year survey to determine the exact site of one of the grisliest battles of the Wars of the Roses.
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Barnet History
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Monday, 29 June 2015 07:51
Bargain hunters boost Boys’ Brigade
High Barnet’s biggest and best jumble sale – that is the proud boast of the 1st Barnet Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association, which holds three jumble sales a year to pay for the cost of the brigade’s upkeep and equipment.
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Thursday, 25 June 2015 15:12
Tie a yellow ribbon
A yellow ribbon is tied around the trunk, and the words “save me” have been sprayed onto the bark of a healthy 100-year old oak tree which Barnet Council intends to cut down as part of a housing scheme in Whitings Road.
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Monday, 22 June 2015 10:48
New finds may throw light on Barnet’s history
When work starts in October on a survey and excavation to find the site of the Battle of Barnet of 1471, local residents and schoolchildren will have their chance to play a part in the great upsurge in interest in medieval history that has occurred since the discovery of King Richard III’s remains in a Leicester car park.
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Saturday, 20 June 2015 17:30
Needing some warmth
Barnet High Street is once again bedecked with flowering hanging baskets – their arrival was delayed by the late spring and they are still in need of some more warm weather!
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High Street The Spires
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Saturday, 13 June 2015 11:05
Underhill stadium: site for new six-form-entry academy school
Barnet Football Club’s vacant stadium at Underhill is to be demolished to make way for a proposed new free school – Ark Pioneer Academy – that would eventually accommodate more than 1,800 pupils.
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Saturday, 13 June 2015 10:48
100 new houses planned
Work could start as early as January next year on High Barnet’s largest housing development since the opening of the Dollis Valley estate. If planning permission is obtained, Linden Homes plan to construct over 100 new homes on the vacant Elmbank site that extends from Barnet Road, Arkley, almost to Barnet Hospital.
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Wednesday, 29 April 2015 13:49
Broadband campaigners prove their case
A street-by-street survey conducted by local residents has demonstrated overwhelming support for a campaign to persuade British Telecom to provide up to 3,000 High Barnet residents with the fast broadband connection they so desperately need.
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Tuesday, 21 April 2015 10:06
Campaign for new primary school
All seven primary schools in High Barnet and Underhill have again been oversubscribed, leaving 32 children without an agreed place in September – yet another indication of the strength of local demand for an additional school.
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Friday, 17 April 2015 14:18
Old Red Lion campaign continues
Barnet Council has been accused by supporters of the Campaign for Real Ale of acting in an underhand way in rejecting an application to grant community asset protection to the now closed Old Red Lion public house at the bottom of Barnet Hill.
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