Displaying items by tag: Teenage Market
Saturday, 09 February 2019 08:49
Barnet Beyond Brexit
For our spring public forum, the Barnet Society has arranged for an expert panel to answer questions of local interest on key issues such as the future of education and training, prospects for local employment, plans for new housing and future safeguards for the Green Belt.
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Sunday, 02 December 2018 17:51
Christmas Fayre boosts The Bull pantomime
Barnet’s annual Christmas fayre broke with tradition this year. Instead of being opened by the Mayor of Barnet, the ceremony was conducted by the “Lord Mayor of London, Councillor Richard Whittington” – star of the Christmas pantomime at the The Bull Theatre.
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Sunday, 27 May 2018 23:15
Barnet Market & Premier Inn - An opportunity slipping away
The Barnet Society supports the current planning applications for both a Premier Inn and relocation of the market to The Spires bandstand site – but only subject to several strict conditions. And we do so in the belief that a big opportunity could be lost.
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Friday, 27 April 2018 19:38
A Premier Inn with a difference?
A computer-generated image shows the proposed Premier Inn hotel and restaurant to be built on the site of Barnet Market, at the junction of St Albans Road and Chipping Close.
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Thursday, 19 April 2018 16:59
A hotel worthy of historic site
Nearby residents have been given an assurance that the design of the new Premier Inn planned for the historic site of Barnet Market will respect the local conservation area and will be in keeping with terraced houses across the road in Chipping Close.
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Barnet Market
Wednesday, 04 April 2018 09:56
Market exits for hotel
If planning approval is given, a Premier Inn hotel and restaurant is to be built on the historic St Albans Road site of Barnet’s much reduced stalls market.
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Barnet Market
Monday, 02 April 2018 10:28
Busy start for Barnet’s teenage market
A bumper crowd of well-wishers and Easter Saturday shoppers turned out for the opening of the first Barnet Teenage Market.
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High Street The Spires
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Tuesday, 09 January 2018 15:49
Take off for teenage market
The launch of Barnet’s teenage market – planned for Easter Saturday – is a step closer with the purchase of twenty stalls that will fill the bandstand area in front of the Waitrose supermarket at the Spires shopping centre.
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High Street The Spires
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Monday, 04 December 2017 10:11
A fun day for Barnet children
A damp Sunday afternoon did little to dampen the excitement for countless children who enjoyed the traditional fun fair that has become such a popular attraction at Barnet’s annual Christmas Fayre.
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High Street The Spires
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Monday, 02 October 2017 11:56
Barnet Market to move
Barnet market stall holders are delighted by the news that the managing agents for the Spires shopping centre are planning to move the twice-weekly stalls market to the paved area between Waitrose and the bandstand.
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General News
Thursday, 28 September 2017 18:01
Barnet teenage market next steps
Organisers of Barnet’s teenage market – to be launched on Easter Saturday next year – are hoping that this new attraction will match the boost to the Spires shopping centre provided by the opening of H&M’s fashion store.
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General News
Thursday, 10 August 2017 17:36
Barnet teenage market a step closer
A £10,000 pledge of support from the Spires shopping centre has given an all-important boost to the crowd-funding campaign to raise £56,000 to stage a monthly teenage market in Barnet from Easter next year.
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Friday, 23 June 2017 10:14
Teenage Markets come to Barnet
In recent years Barnet Market has been a shadow of what it once was, but a life-line is at hand. Imaginative plans are being promoted to use the site for a monthly market place where teenagers can set up stalls and present live entertainment.
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