Wednesday, 10 April 2019 10:25

Months more traffic disruption at Monken Hadley

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Trafic queues at Monken Hadley Trafic queues at Monken Hadley
Thames Water are warning that it will probably be the end of July before there is a final end to the roadworks that have led to road closures and restrictions on traffic passing through the historic village of Monken Hadley.

A weight restriction and temporary traffic lights have been in operation since February after the construction of a temporary bridge over a collapsed sewer.

Earlier this year Drury Road was closed for weeks – causing widespread disruption – following the collapse of the sewer and the discovery in the immediate vicinity of several sink holes and gas leaks.

The temporary bridge was installed on February 17 and this has allowed single file traffic – but no heavy good vehicles – to pass through the Monken Hadley gates, but this temporary repair will have to be dismantled once excavations start at the beginning of May to rebuild the sewer network.

Thames Water say the “expected finish date” for the project is July 23.

Delays in repairing the damaged 12-metre section of underground sewer in front of St Mary’s Church are the result of the difficulties Thames Water face in carrying out such work in a conservation area, so close to listed buildings.

Structural and drainage surveys have been conducted to prepare a plan for the work that is acceptable to nearby property owners and that will allow the excavation to be undertaken safely.

In a statement, Thames Water says the company is working closely with the owners of nearby buildings and has met Barnet Council to arrange a permit for the work.

“A finalised programme of works is being put together. Our aim is to start at the beginning of May with an expected finish date of July 23.

“We still intend to hold a meeting for our customers so we can show them our plans and address any queries they may have about the work.”

Theresa Villiers, MP for Chipping Barnet, welcomed the re-opening of Drury Road after the installation of the temporary bridge over the collapsed sewer on 17 February.

But she says the temporary lights and 3.5 tonnes weight restriction are causing problems and delays and she intends to keep up pressure on Thames Water to complete the road works as soon as possible.

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  • Comment Link Thursday, 11 April 2019 10:50 posted by Revd Dr Thomas Renz

    The public meeting is planned for Tuesday 23 April from 6.30pm and scheduled to take place in Monken Hadley church.

  • Comment Link Monday, 22 April 2019 10:56 posted by Mark

    Will Thames Water be working 12 hours a day six days a week on this? Would reduce the time of the works a lot.

    There were temporary lights outside Barnet Church for four water meters to be installed, and no-one working by 5pm each evening. Took nearly two weeks and could have been done in one.

    Our MP could campaign for tougher streetworks regulations on utilities, such as the insistence on longer than 8 hours work per day.

  • Comment Link Saturday, 27 April 2019 07:58 posted by Mark

    Mays Lane has been dug up again and again this year. Virgin, Thames Water and probably others.
    Instead of doing it over the Easter school holiday, it was clear then. Then this Tuesday it was dug up again for maximum disturbance to an already overly busy road.

    And of course they start at 7am, all stand around watching one guy dig a hole, then off to the pub at 4pm.

    I wish we treated roadworks like the Germans do. Attack it over night with 20 guys and be done in a day or two.

  • Comment Link Saturday, 15 June 2019 16:39 posted by Sarah Wynn

    This route is really not suitable for large lorries and coaches which cause congestion and drive on the grass with consequent damage. Could a restriction prevent their use once works are complete?

  • Comment Link Tuesday, 30 July 2019 07:29 posted by Stuart Brendon

    An absolute took half the time to repair the east coast of Japan than these useless idiots have taken to dig one hole...Theresa you have lost my votr

  • Comment Link Sunday, 04 August 2019 18:44 posted by Turner

    There is never anyone working there, no wonder it’s taking forever absolutely disgusting


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