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This is a disproportionate and damaging proposal by Barnet Council instead of relying upon the common sense of people passing each other on a short and rarely busy stretch of narrow pavement.

It is being driven by people who want to pedestrianise the High Street for aesthetic reasons, but do not want to go through the normal consultation process and come up with decent proposals for re-routing traffic. Far from protecting people from Covid, it will undoubtedly cause problems for ambulances stuck in the traffic chaos it will create.

The notion of buses, lorries and cars going two ways through the bottleneck at the Black Horse is ludicrous. The traffic build-up is going to affect everyone living, visiting or just passing through the town. This is the Great North Road, a main arterial route north and south.

None of the business owners in the town consider that the proposal will help our recovery - indeed, we consider that the traffic chaos will significantly damage trade.

Please email our MP, Theresa Villiers and Barnet Council to voice concerns.