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A proposal to convert the building behind and over Dorys cafe into HMO accommodation (small single rooms for rent) has been submitted again, Barnet planning application 19/2590/FUL.

It is implicit in the application this is intended for young people with high priority on Barnet’s housing list. My thinking that such housing may be a commendable ambition but It is surely a considerable risk for such vulnerable people to be housed in this building. It is in a constricted side street immediately adjacent to the doorway for transient residents of a redeveloped Marketplace.

While it was always dubious that the proposed Premier Inn motel would ever be built it still seems probable some large scale high density accommodation will appear on the site. As that is the extant planning permission for the old Marketplace surely that should be taken into consideration for new applications in the same area?

Does anyone else have views on this? The previous application produced 17 comments, all objections. For some reason, perhaps lack of publicity, this application so far only has one comment.