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It seems those reacting to your post whom are supporting the 100 room hotel build on the historic marketplace give two reasons; the unfounded economic benefit to the high street and that it would provide a place for relatives to stay when they come to visit.

I would ask as a resident of Chipping Close, as someone whose life will be impacted permanently, that you consider the consequences of your actions on others and don’t make decisions on blind faith.

Firstly the scale, mass and proximity of the proposed hotel contradicts Barnet’s own planning guidelines and past refusals.
Duke Bowls (next to the marketplace), was flatly refused planning permission to build a fourth storey in a similar manor as the hotel is proposing because; “… its size, bulk, siting and design would be an obtrusive and overly dominant form of development that would be out of scale and keeping with the character and appearance of the surrounding area detrimental to the street scene, general locality and neighbouring Conservation Area”

And this will result in loss of privacy, loss of light, increased nuisance due to over 100 daily guests on foot and in vehicles traveling past my window, and overlooking by 50 windows (partially glazed) only 10.55m away. Again the minimum guideline is 21m.

The consultants for the application, GL Hearn have been questionable from the get go; the CGI renditions from day one did not show the true nature of the hotel scale or proximity, on initial consultations they said that the restaurant would be for guests only, in fact the restaurant will compete with the high street, then there is the application for maxi-licencing to sell alcohol until 12:30 every evening, 24hours a day to guests.

Further to this GL Hearn is owned by Capita and in the past this has been, “recorded (this) on RE’s conflict of interest register.

Take in to consideration the new application now openly acknowledges that, “The implementation of the new market is dependent on the hotel application being approved.”
This is virtually the same as bribery; if you don't support the hotel the Spires won't relocate the market. Is this enough for Residents' Associations to support commercial interests, ignore planning faults and throw the people they are supposed to protect under the bus?

The new entrance on Bruce Rd just doesn’t work, its not visible from the street. On one side it is congested and on the other cars speed around the bend. And what of the obvious parking problems?

You might think that this will not affect you, but if you support this you are setting a precedent for other builds to blatantly disregard planning guidelines.

We are a street of nurses, doctors, retirees, first time home buyers and people that have lived their entire lives on this street, much like your street; I ask you would you want to live across the road from hotel of this size and scale? Would you want our relatives looking into your house a few strides away? Its not the idea of a hotel in Barnet, it’s that the plan is not right for this site.