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The implication in the post is that residents and traders are acting selfishly, which is a nonsense: High Street traders and local residents welcome the proposal to improve the street and do not object to the widening the pavement, in the words of an early council document - to 'de-clutter' but the scheme under consultation proposes removal of not seven but at least 13 of the most used and needed parking spaces and 'cluttering' the street with potted trees, benches, litter bins and more cycle stands. The only plan which adopted by the Area Committee was in July 2016 - Option Two - which retained shared parking spaces' on a drop kerb widened pavement. High Street traders and local residents presented a modified plan to Town Team and MP Theresa Villiers on 11th April which retained most of the parking bays, the western side loading bay in front of Snappy Snaps and most of the trees which removes the requirement for loading bays at the narrowest, most dangerous points in Salisbury Road and Union Street. Some progress was made and a Town Team delegate proposed extending the consultation period 'by a month' to continue dialogue and come to a unifying plan, rather than the divisive proposal under consultation. However, Cllr David Longstaff has unilaterally refused this suggestion from the Town Team. If you disagree with his decision you might let him know on