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High Street Build out consultation is chaotic. A proposal, Option Two was adopted by the Area Committee on 6th July 2016 and includes a built out pavement from the Post Office to the Spires, retaining existing parking bays and loading bay outside Snappy Snaps with five extra paring bays. This is broadly supported by most local residents and High Street traders. However, what has gone to consultation is a plan which surfaced in January proposing the removal of the seven parking and loading bay on the western side of the High Street and siting loading bays at the narrowest points in Salisbury Road and Union Street - in order to plant 16 trees and a line of benches. This is supposed to attract and retain local businesses and traders on the High Street! Canvassing since the delayed (and selective) consultation has attracted over a thousand signatures opposing the January scheme. Local residents and traders propose a modified scheme which retains most of the parking bays and includes trees and removal of dangerous loading bays in side streets but the limited deadline of 20th April (with Easter falling between) is, in the circumstances, unrealistic. Consultation should be suspended until the public is properly informed of the various schemes and a plan accepted by all is agreed rather than the obstructive process leading to divisions in the Barnet community.