“ As a student nurse, I do not qualify for a staff parking permit. On my paltry bursary, I cannot afford to pay £10 per shift to park in the hospital car park. When I qualify later this year, I will still not qualify for a parking permit as I live too near (the next town). There is no alternative but to park in the surrounding roads. I totally agree that the fault lies with the hospital and this problem has been exacerbated by the Royal Free takeover that introduced car park restrictions. At the end of a 14 hour day, I still have to walk 20 mins or more to get to my car (that is ALWAYS parked with consideration for residents). I'm exhausted. It seems unfair that hospital staff are being penalised for the hospital's unfair parking policy. For all you NIMBYs, just think how the introduction of a larger CPZ could impact on the level of care you and your loved ones
receive in BH when there are fewer staff or those that provide your care are simply too knackered to provide optimal care. ”