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SODA (Stop Overdevelopment Arkley) Campaign are delighted to have been given the opportunity to be featured in the Barnet Society site and to highlight our concerns.

We would like to clarify that the £10,000 referred to in the article in relation to the cost of assessing and implementing CPZ has been taken from an earlier Planning Officer's report. Subsequent to that report, Linden increased this sum and offered a £50k voluntary contribution towards funding of a CPZ consultation and implementation. We are pleased that this shows some recognition of some of the issues which will arise from the is development, however, as stated in the article, CPZ will not resolve the issues arising from the density of the development. It is understood that residents on the Elmbank site would not be eligible to park within the CPZ scheme so the issue of the additional parking generated from the site would remain unresolved.

Furthermore, it is understood that the precise scope of the area for the CPZ consultation would be finalised at a later stage by the Highways Service, so at this time, there is no confirmation as to which roads will be included in the consultation.

We also heard at the Chipping Barnet Planning Committee last Thursday, 4 February, that the voluntary offer relating to the CPZ was not something which could be considered by the Councillors in relation to the planning application. Furthermore, Councillors were told that there was no way to ensure that the funds received would go towards roads affected by this development.

CPZ is only one aspect of this development. Our main concerns relating to the density, road safety, transport, parking and character of the area. Once flats have been built on this site, other developers will rely on this decision.