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As a Union Street resident I was appauled by the proposal to move the loading bays from the high street to the side streets i.e. Union Street. and Salisbury Road. Why would anyone think this is a good idea? Both streets are already under increased pressure now due to the new turning restrictions in front of Barnet Church plus the increased charges to park in the Spires. Adding a loading bay at the high street ends of these roads will only serve to add to the chaos that already regularly occurs due to parked cars and vans. The pavements at the high street end of Union Street are suffering already because drivers often mount them to get past obstructions.

I completely agree the High Street needs a bit of TLC as it currently looks very shabby and unkempt. However this is not going to be improved by changing the pavements or planting trees. The problem is the lack of shops! The high street has very little to attract the shopper. Barnet should not just be about The Spires.